The Bride and the Bloody Conqueror // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 65

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • MARANATHA Global Bible Study // The Book Of Revelation
    Session 65: The Bride and the Bloody Conqueror
    Maranatha End-Times Summit
    Five Dollar Monthly Giving // Skip a Coffee, Change the Middle East
    Notes Available
    www.faistudios... and in the FAI App

Комментарии • 145

  • @kandythietten7338
    @kandythietten7338 Год назад +5

    I am a little over 30 videos into the Revelation series. I was raised on replacement theology, and I can’t believe how much simpler prophecy is when Israel means Israel. Thank you all so much!

    • @JadeDragon407
      @JadeDragon407 Год назад +1

      I like the saying: "The Bible says what it means and means what it says." Although the Bible does use grammatic devices, metaphors, etc., the most straightforward meaning usually gets you where you should be. Of course, to do so, you have to put what we know as physical reality aside, because our fallen states can keep us from seeing what all is ACTUALLY possible, especially through God who CREATED all of this that we experience, meaning the reality of reality as we know it, didn't even exist until He made it so.

  • @martystover5689
    @martystover5689 Год назад +8

    Thank you Dalton and FAI for these teachings. God bless you in all His work! ❤️

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, + .... + before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation (July 23, 2023) to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
      The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 21 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3753 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3753 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzerets to celebrate this circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3753 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2, Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension). Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24th, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc... I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect. The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him.
      As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world several months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday July 23, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, July 27 to the rapture/ascension, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on Sunday July 30, on the clouds, finally on the evening of August 1st, 2023 the Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, ..... to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ...... the 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA Lord Jesus Christ ..... GOD BLESS YOU

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад

      ​@@youhannabarrechit5649 Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

    • @odettasimmons425
      @odettasimmons425 Год назад

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 Wrong.

  • @repentancenow
    @repentancenow Год назад +2

    " On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."
    - His Excellency King Jesus ❤

  • @mis5080
    @mis5080 Год назад +4

    I can’t get enough of FAI teachings..God bless!❤

  • @careywatchmenhieatt1079
    @careywatchmenhieatt1079 Год назад +5

    Hey Dalton God bless, hey brethren God bless this beautiful morning 🌄

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
      The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3754 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3754 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3754 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2 (15 Shevat 3753) Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension).
      Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc...
      I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect.
      The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world 180 days or 6 months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday May 14, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on the clouds, finally on the evening of Monday May 22 to Tuesday May 23, 2023
      The Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, on Sunday May 28 for Pentecost with the leaving of the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, .....
      the Pentecost of May 28, 2023 is linked to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ......
      The 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA LORD ..... GOD BLESS US

    • @stryker1999
      @stryker1999 Год назад

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 You may be right about a lot of this, perhaps nearly all of it. But what will you say if we're still here after midnight Tuesday? Just... scooch it up a year, and have the Lord's return on 2031?
      I have to post this periodically.
      II Thessalonians 2: 1-5 (NKJV)
      Now brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the Day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?
      So at the very least we are going to see the Antichrist arrive on this world, and probably stand in the rebuilt Temple declaring himself to be God in the middle of his seven year treaty between Israel and the Arab nations. And by Jesus' own words, we may well be here until the last Trumpet. So prepare for whatever the Lord has in store for us to endure.

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 ​ @Youhanna Bar Réchit Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

  • @moorzy8385
    @moorzy8385 Год назад +4

    Good morning from Alabama. Maranatha 🙏

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, but here 14 days, Christ added 7 more days to this 7 day time, because the countdown always starts on a Sunday (from 7 to 20 for 14 day period), before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation to The Church of Christ for His Rapture. The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation.
      This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST's Resurrection and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to Our Lord YESHUA, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt.
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3754 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3754 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3754 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who both understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2 (15 Shevat 3753) Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension).
      Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 (3 Sivan 3787) to Ascension and June 12, 27 (13 Sivan 3787) to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc...
      I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect.
      The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world, 6 months before the beginning of the tribulations.
      On Sunday 28th May, on Pentecost, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face, on the clouds.
      Finally on the evening of Tuesday 30 to Wednesday May 31, 2023 the Bride will be presented to the Father during the Marriage of the Lamb which will end 7 days later, on Friday June 2 in evening with the Bride's outing unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, from Sunday, June 4 at the full moon with a perfect concordance of the sunrise with the setting of the moon and this full moon of June, indicating a renewal, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, .....
      The Pentecost of May 28, 2023 is linked to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ...... the 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, this October 6, 2030 and all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover --> CHRIST - Pentecost --> CHURCH - Sukkot --> ISRAËL are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God.

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад +1

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 ​ @Youhanna Bar Réchit Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      ​@@youhannabarrechit5649No it's not !

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      ​@@youhannabarrechit5649Enoch and Elijah the Two Witnesses Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ not Moses already Died Once and God Said it's Appointed Man Once to Die and then the Judgement.

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      @@scott596 Why didn't Moses go to Hades when he died?
      Moses went to Heaven without ever seeing Abraham's bosom.

  • @breal546
    @breal546 Год назад

    I pray that Jesus comes soon, these days are heavy with corruption and long with suffering 🙏 God bless

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад +1

      Darkest before the Dawn ! Jesus Christ Return's Immediately After the Tribulations of those Day's before the Wrath of Jesus Christ

    • @breal546
      @breal546 Год назад

      @@scott596 🙏amen, get ready because the Scientologist / New age cultists are gonna try to deceive people

  • @paulsharp8118
    @paulsharp8118 Год назад +3

    Way to go Dalton... very happy you are following through on Revelation which I have appreciated since ep. 1

  • @margaretconnors5879
    @margaretconnors5879 Год назад

    Thank you so much Dalton. APPRECIATED

  • @Stuescalona
    @Stuescalona Год назад

    Great teaching!

  • @stephenchelliah9907
    @stephenchelliah9907 11 месяцев назад


  • @JadeDragon407
    @JadeDragon407 Год назад

    Oh no, I got caught up on these sessions; now I'll have to wait for future ones. That is OK, though, it's been so neat following you guys for what... 2 years now? through these sessions and getting your take on these things. I basically have to blame y'all for exiting my previous pre-trib view. You make a good point about the sequential language used throughout Rev, it does help us have a roadmap of what happens and when. It would be a bit of a thing, but I get tempted to go through Daniel, Isaiah and Revelation and build a spreadsheet with chronological notes and map the 3 books vs one another to try to see exactly here things fit. As of the moment, I'm fairly convinced the taking up / rapture is at Rev 10:7 when the mystery of God is revealed at the 7th Trumpet, and the angel stands on land and sea with the Book of Life, assumably first calling up name by name each of those who have by then died from their place. I've heard it said from my pastor and teachers online that when the dead are called to raise, it MUST be by name, or ALL would raise, for the call of resurrection is that powerful. I'm glad y'all're getting now into the chapters where all the darkness shall start to be put underfoot, and the Lord's rebuilding and reign begins... glorious times shall be those, and myself, I see this under a decade away. Such a time it'll be to see all these things for ourselves. How the Lord shall look when coming, and the nature of His coming, it's VISUALLY described; I honestly don't know how you could make a metaphor out of it.
    A little side note, it does say the birds will eat even the horses, there very well could be some horses involved. If someone fires off an EMP that disables vehicles/jets/etc., they might grab camels, horses, anything that can move to fire guns from.

  • @kathleendamond9036
    @kathleendamond9036 Год назад


  • @brotherwait
    @brotherwait Год назад +1

    Great Job Dalton, you also see the Marriage Supper mentioned in Hosea 9:5-6, Isaiah 25:5-6, Isaiah 34:5-7 and Zechariah 9:15-17.

  • @repentancenow
    @repentancenow Год назад

    Prayer proclamation and praise. I read demons don't like the book of revelation.
    Keep the sayings of the prophecy of this book

  • @ImPrefect25
    @ImPrefect25 Год назад

    Which fall Feast Day (Mo'edim) will the battle be? The Feast of Trumpets - at the last Trump? Day of Atonement? I think the Feast of Tabernacles could be the marriage supper. Would love your thoughts on the prophetic feast days.

  • @roscoerichardson3956
    @roscoerichardson3956 Год назад +4

    When pharaoh received the dream about seven years of famine, he saw seven thin ears of corn devouring seven fat ears of corn. Joseph understood this to mean there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine not that a literal seven ears of thin corn would eat seven ears of fat corn. It helps to understand that dreams and visions can be very figurative when communicating large sweeping events. There would not be time to dream a full 14 years of events in one night, but a short dream like Pharaohs communicated it quite well with Josephs insight. Dalton is right that Revelation is doing the same thing.

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
      The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3754 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3754 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3754 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2 (15 Shevat 3753) Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension).
      Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc...
      I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect.
      The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world 180 days or 6 months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday May 14, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on the clouds, finally on the evening of Monday May 22 to Tuesday May 23, 2023
      The Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, on Sunday May 28 for Pentecost with the leaving of the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, .....
      the Pentecost of May 28, 2023 is linked to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ......
      The 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA LORD ..... GOD BLESS US

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад +1

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 ​ @Youhanna Bar Réchit Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      In the time of the prophet Noah, there had been 7 days before the sealing of the Door of the Ark, by our Lord Mashiah' Yeshua. After that, no more possibility of going back.
      So today, May 7 to 13, the world is also called one last time, to come to The Cross to repent of their sins in order to be saved through the atonement of the Blood of Christ, The Door of Heaven is open until May 13, 2023... time is running out... La Porte will be closed soon. There are only a few hours left to place all your trust in Him in Christ the Redeemer named YESHUA, and in His Saving Work through HIS PURE BLOOD SHED ON THE CROSS for us.
      From May 14, there will be a spiritual sealing of each of the living stones of the Church, this will symbolically be the Sending of the Holy Convocation to the Bride of Christ. God the Father announces to His Son, Yeshua, that The Holy Spirit will come down and take the Bride in the world to bring her back to Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.
      Tuesday, May 16 Yeshua is therefore waiting on the clouds for the arrival of his Bride, she will be removed on Thursday, May 18 at Ascension before the appearance of the stars.
      Sunday, May 21, the Bride will be face to face with her Bridegroom, Christ....
      Finally, on the night of May 22 to 23, 2023, the Bride will be presented to the Father by Yeshua, for the Marriage of the Lamb.
      The Wedding will end with the exit from the Wedding Chamber, facing the guests, 7 days later, at Pentecost on May 28, 2023 with the unveiling of the Bride, when she leaves and will presage the image of the Return of Christ with His Bride on Yom Kippur on the Sunday evening of October 6, 2030 on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, facing the golden door, where all eyes will see him. Blessings

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      The Eternal mistreats the Jewish people, since the year 27 date of the Crucifixion of the Savior and Lord Yeshua. The rejection of Mashia'h in the year 27 led, to the destruction of Temple (27 was a 4th year of shmittah), God waited a new shmittah, to begin the countdown of 40 years, followed by judgment, the Destruction of second Temple of Jerusalem in 70 or 9 Av 3830.
      So God destroyed the Temple in the year 70, exactly 43,5 years later...(3,5 years of waiting then 40 years later, just and precise ---> destruction of the 2nd Temple). Each time Israel willfully sinned in their folly, God multiplied the sentence by 7 to Israël make teshuvah/repentance.
      40 x 7 added to the year 70 makes 350 and in the year 350 the talmud comes out.
      So God multiplies again by 7.... 280 x 7 + 70 ---> 2030... God's ultimatum expires in the year 2030 exactly on the 1st Tishri 2030/5791....

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      Based on the countdown and knowing that God is a perfect watchmaker, very precise, GOD made a covenant with Abraham at his 75th birthday, Abraham was born 1948 years after the exclusion (Nisan 16 -3971) of Adam of the Garden of Eden, exactly when Adam had 33.5 years of existence, (because created in -4005 at Rosh HaShanah in September), corresponding to the future Passover of Our Lord, this is why Jesus Christ is called the second Adam.
      So Abraham was born in -2023 or 1948 years after Adam's exclusion from the Garden of Eden in -3971. Also the year -2023+75 (covenant with Abraham) is -1948 or -3971+1948+75 = -1948...
      1948 is symbolically very strong as we can see for Israel because 1948 is also her second birth, it was in the year 1948 in one day that she reappeared. 1948 comes back every time !
      The mirror of events is perfect. By reading the prophecy of Psalm 90 the countdown is specified ..... at its rebirth count a maximum of 80 years, that is 1948 + 80 maximum .... 2027.
      So considering the Creation on Rosh HaShanah in September -4005, everything is perfect, the mirror is perfect. Rosh HaShanah -4005 is a Sunday evening September 10 and it is very understanding then to think that the prince of this world is wanted on September 11, 1990, then another September 11 in 2001 to reach 33.5 years during his pitiful little reign of the 7 years during the tribulation (prophesied in Daniel) which will begin on Sunday, November 12, 2023 so that at Passover 2027, he will be mortally wounded and can return as a little hero openly proclaiming himself god on earth in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple.
      His reign will end at the Return of Christ on the Mount of Olives on Yom Kippur on Sunday, October 6, 2030 when the antichrist will be 40 years and 25 days old.
      We must watch and pray until the soon Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ. If it can help some to quickly examine themselves so as not to be found naked and poor before the Lord, Our God. When the Rapture of the Church takes place very soon, at the Ascension on May 18, 2023, the Church called the Bride will no longer be present on earth, so there will no longer be a True Church of God in this fallen world.
      Thus the devil will be unleashed and will have received in some way the authority to do it because God will allow him, from the Rapture of the Church of God...... to purify the gold and clean it of its dross , thus the gold will be purified.
      Once the Church is gone, God will allow according to His promise to Abraham, in some way also a return (parasha A'hare-Mot) to the Temple ceremonial on Yom Kippur for the forgiveness of his sins for one year only. God will allow it in particular to save a maximum of members of the false church as well as the Jews claiming to be Jews but denying Jesus Christ.
      Thus, a drawing of lots will be practiced to designate two goats as at the time of the Temple ceremonial, 2000 years ago, one will be offered in the Temple, (here of course the false church left on earth, will then have to pay its blood and die decapitated as in the ritual of the Old Covenant).
      Each person not denying their Faith in the shed Blood of Christ on The Cross and dying for Our Lord Jesus Christ, will at their death have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be called the Saints of the Great Tribulation dying for The Lord Jesus Christ.
      The other will be sent to the desert from April 25, 2027 so here the Jews to expiate the faults of Israel, says the scapegoat and it is simply the 144,000 Jews of Israel sealed from Revelation 7.1- 8 and preserved by Christ from the Great Tribulation, the woman in the wilderness is Israel, and therefore this remnant, the 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel will be saved.
      The Rapture of the Church is just the icing on the cake, which is offered to the True Church to avoid the tribulations that are coming in its end times. The Bride always leaves before for the Marriage of the Lamb because she has prepared herself.
      But the false church will still be invited to the wedding with the remnant of Israel, if they are found holy and not denying Christ in their death, refusing the mark of the beast and agreeing to shed his blood for Jesus Christ, this finished work will be accepted here as a good work, despite refusing to place your trust in the shed Blood of Christ on The Cross.
      For blood must always be shed or no forgiveness, here Christ will accept your blood for that year.
      The possible dates for the Rapture of the Church are shrinking, as the wheat crop (which is the Church of God raptured at Pentecost) will be harvested for May 2023. The Rapture to Ascension Thursday 18th May 2023 to be with Our Lord on the clouds on Sunday and to be presented to God the Father on Monday evening. PS: Thursday symbolizes Sukkot/Tents... Sunday symbolizes Passover....
      Tuesday symbolizes Shavuot/Pentecost.... the days are very important, and it takes 10 of them, because 5 for the sending of the Holy Convocation ( here on May 14) and 5 days for the arrival at destination (May 23, 2023), with a stop on the clouds on May 21 for the Meeting with Our Lord Jesus Christ, halfway before He presents His Bride to the Father, the night of May 22/23.
      Reading Genesis 24.1-22.. Abraham is a type of God The Father, Isaac is a type of God The Son and Eliezer, the faithful servant, the steward over his possessions is a type of God The Holy Spirit.
      I'm going to be a little direct, so as not to be too long.... Abraham's prohibition to Eliezer to go with Isaac to seek a Bride, he must take the Bride in the distant country of Abraham in Mesopotamia. Eliezer just has to bring that Bride back to Abraham.
      But Isaac sees his future Bride with Eliezer in the distance, approaching, he welcomes his bride halfway, and then together go to Abraham in his tent for the wedding. This parable is clear and obvious in meaning to those who can understand it. MARANATHA

  • @davidkipps2717
    @davidkipps2717 Год назад +2

    Are there going to be anymore Sessions? Why is there a millennium instead of going directly to the final state with new heavens and earth? Are there mortals living during the millennium along side the raised/changed Saints? If so, will converts among them be part of the "Church", "Saints", "Bride", and participate in the "Marriage feast" (1000 years after Christ returns)? Why is the devil given another chance at the end of the millennium? Is there any evidence of deceased infants being given a chance to make the choice between good and evil? Are resurrected infants part of the "bride of Christ"?

  • @scott596
    @scott596 Год назад +2

    The Great an Dreadful Day of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • @zechariah1398
    @zechariah1398 Год назад +3

    Dalton, during this chapter 19 study would you work in how the sounding of the seventh trumpet Rev 11, work into or is part of chapter 19?

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
      The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3754 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3754 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3754 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2 (15 Shevat 3753) Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension).
      Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc...
      I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect.
      The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world 180 days or 6 months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday May 14, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on the clouds, finally on the evening of Monday May 22 to Tuesday May 23, 2023
      The Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, on Sunday May 28 for Pentecost with the leaving of the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, .....
      the Pentecost of May 28, 2023 is linked to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ......
      The 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA LORD ..... GOD BLESS US

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад +3

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 ​ @Youhanna Bar Réchit Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

  • @magnifico0000
    @magnifico0000 Год назад +1

    Always appreciated, but turn the lights on! i cant see you!

  • @monalisa6264
    @monalisa6264 Год назад +6

    Daughter Zion will rule with an iron rod meaning it’s the Bride she’s Christ riding on the white horse. She is wisdom Gods wife from the beginning of time, the cornerstone rejected! Make no image and people have made a male image and get rid of Mother❤

  • @kindnessheals
    @kindnessheals Год назад +1

    Anyone know of house church in Plano, TX (north Dallas) area? Thanks

  • @cyndiprater776
    @cyndiprater776 Год назад +3

    Bravo Dalton, I so appreciate the structure of your teaching and I am so excited for your continuance of this chapter. Question, where can I find a copy of the print used in the introduction of these episodes? I am very interested in all the characters portrayed in the print. Thanx you and all of you are quite a blessing. Maranatha.

  • @Steven-er6sb
    @Steven-er6sb Год назад

    At 7:10, Dalton said many don't "bow the knee to the antichrist, but also don't bow the knee to the messiah." I'm I to understand that there is a position? I thought it's either for, or against. Can someone explain to me, please.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      Remember Revelation, the King's of the world will bring gifts to Jesus and Jesus will Rule over the Nation's with a rod of Iron ? Only those who followed the Man of Sin and the Beast will be Destroyed, and all those who take the Mark of the Beast ! Other's will live under the Rule and Reign of Jesus Christ and the Saint's for a Thousand Year's, and then Satan will be Released again for a short time to Lead astray a Third of the population again. Then comes the final Judgement, and Satan Lucifer Allah is Cast Alive into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone Forever and Cast into Outer Darkness Forever and Ever Without End

  • @YxngMaze
    @YxngMaze Год назад +1

    23min???? Why? What happened to 55+min sessions?

    • @danielmiller2886
      @danielmiller2886 Год назад +1

      They seem to have too many irons in the fire :/

  • @seanc2788
    @seanc2788 Год назад

    Anyone notice the 24 elders show up again in chapter 19? I wonder what they are still doing there? They have been up in heaven since chapter 4. Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is the bride. While the earth was going through the 7 year Tribulation period, we are in the honeymoon phase in heaven. After the 7 year honeymoon, the bride and groom appeared for the Marriage Supper. But the souls under the altar are still there, until Rev 20:4. They don't get their bodies back until we come back to earth. So that is odd. How can the bride appear, but the souls who had been beheaded aren't in chapter 19? Isn't the bride not complete until those who were beheaded redeemed as well? That is really odd. Maybe they are two people groups. Hmmm.

    • @randyman1739
      @randyman1739 Год назад

      Bc the 1830s pretrib rapture teaching then n since is false.

    • @seanc2788
      @seanc2788 Год назад

      @@randyman1739 Just reading the word of God straight from Revelation. But I guess you can't answer the questions either.

    • @MeTuLHeD
      @MeTuLHeD Год назад

      ​@@seanc2788 Perhaps if you made your questions more direct and clearer then someone might answer. As it is, your post is too convoluted. I read it five times and I still don't understand what you're asking.

    • @robertd1652
      @robertd1652 Год назад

      The souls under the altar are from the Old Testament. Under the altar is symbolic of being under the Law. This group is able to be sealed after the 6th seal. It becomes clear who they are when they are described as the 144,000. So, they are at the Marriage Supper. Check out the Final Message: Understanding the book of Revelation for an in depth explanation.

    • @MeTuLHeD
      @MeTuLHeD Год назад

      @@robertd1652 "The souls under the altar are from the Old Testament. Under the altar is symbolic of being under the Law."
      The souls under the altar are martyred believers. Period. There is nothing in that text or anywhere else in The Bible to support this interpretation of the passage. Just another RUclips theologian with a private interpretation of Scripture.

  • @markhauserbible7168
    @markhauserbible7168 Год назад +2

    I love you brother Joel, but teaching a LITERAL 1000 year kingdom in our future goes against what Jesus and the Apostles taught. You said the DAY of the Lord is when the Lord returns. This is 100% correct. So, we should believe what Peter wrote in 2Pt3:10. The day of the Lord, the heavens pass away and the earth burned up. You also say when the Lord returns it's not over. Again, that is NOT what the word of God teaches. Rev19:21. And the REMNANT was slain. ALL UNBELIEVERS! So, what would the point of a literal 1000 year kingdom be? Again, you say when the Lord returns it's NOT over. Thats not what these next verses teach. Is13:9/ Zeph1:7,14-15/ Mal 4:1. These verses sound exactly like what Peter taught in 2Pt3:10. When the Lord returns its OVER!!! Yours in Christ

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
      April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
      October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
      November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
      December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
      After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
      The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
      The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
      P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3754 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3754 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3754 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
      By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2 (15 Shevat 3753) Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension).
      Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
      The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc...
      I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect.
      The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
      Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world 180 days or 6 months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday May 14, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on the clouds, finally on the evening of Monday May 22 to Tuesday May 23, 2023
      The Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, on Sunday May 28 for Pentecost with the leaving of the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, .....
      the Pentecost of May 28, 2023 is linked to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ......
      The 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
      Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
      Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA LORD ..... GOD BLESS US

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 Год назад +1

      @@youhannabarrechit5649 There is only ONE way to not be deceived. To study and understand Gods word. This is how we know the truth from false teaching. No where in scripture does it say Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses. Not only that, but the two witnesses are NOT two people. They are ALL BELIEVERS. You also predicted the DAY the Lord will return. Only a false teacher would do that. You also mention a 7 year tribulation. There is NOT ONE SCRIPTURE that teaches a 7 year tribulation in God's word. And no Dan9:27 does not say that. Let me ask you a question teacher. Is the Church, Bride, Wife, Israel (Jews) SEPARATE GROUPS? And do they have different plans in our future?

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      @@markhauserbible7168 Sorry, but this is the real prophecy and you will see it with your eyes very soon... it's a story of a few hours for its realization! And you will then have to choose to die decapitated.
      The Bride is the Church and of Israel, no replacement theory.

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      @@markhauserbible7168 ‌In the time of the prophet Noah, there had been 7 days before the sealing of the Door of the Ark, by our Lord Mashiah' Yeshua. After that, no more possibility of going back.
      So today, May 7 to 13, the world is also called one last time, to come to The Cross to repent of their sins in order to be saved through the atonement of the Blood of Christ, The Door of Heaven is open until May 13, 2023... time is running out... La Porte will be closed soon. There are only a few hours left to place all your trust in Him in Christ the Redeemer named YESHUA, and in His Saving Work through HIS PURE BLOOD SHED ON THE CROSS for us.
      From May 14, there will be a spiritual sealing of each of the living stones of the Church, this will symbolically be the Sending of the Holy Convocation to the Bride of Christ. God the Father announces to His Son, Yeshua, that The Holy Spirit will come down and take the Bride in the world to bring her back to Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.
      Tuesday, May 16 Yeshua is therefore waiting on the clouds for the arrival of his Bride, she will be removed on Thursday, May 18 at Ascension before the appearance of the stars.
      Sunday, May 21, the Bride will be face to face with her Bridegroom, Christ....
      Finally, on the night of May 22 to 23, 2023, the Bride will be presented to the Father by Yeshua, for the Marriage of the Lamb.
      The Wedding will end with the exit from the Wedding Chamber, facing the guests, 7 days later, at Pentecost on May 28, 2023 with the unveiling of the Bride, when she leaves and will presage the image of the Return of Christ with His Bride on Yom Kippur on the Sunday evening of October 6, 2030 on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, facing the golden door, where all eyes will see him. Blessings

    • @youhannabarrechit5649
      @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад

      @@markhauserbible7168 The Eternal mistreats the Jewish people, since the year 27 date of the Crucifixion of the Savior and Lord Yeshua. The rejection of Mashia'h in the year 27 led, to the destruction of Temple (27 was a 4th year of shmittah), God waited a new shmittah, to begin the countdown of 40 years, followed by judgment, the Destruction of second Temple of Jerusalem in 70 or 9 Av 3830. So God destroyed the Temple in the year 70, exactly 43,5 years later...(3,5 years of waiting then 40 years later, just and precise ---> destruction of the 2nd Temple). Each time Israel willfully sinned in their folly, God multiplied the sentence by 7 to Israël make teshuvah. 40 x 7 added to the year 70 makes 350 and in the year 350 the talmud comes out. So God multiplies again by 7.... 280 x 7 + 70 ---> 2030... God's ultimatum expires in the year 2030 exactly on the 1st Tishri 2030/5791....

  • @youhannabarrechit5649
    @youhannabarrechit5649 Год назад +2

    November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophets Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42 month ministry,
    April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple)
    October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives)
    November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, the 2550th day,
    December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Hanukkah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body.
    After these days, the 1000 years of peace on earth in this world, the millennium will begin, ending at the end of the year 3030 at Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah beginning on a Friday night, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and it will happen because we will be with God).
    The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 (October/November) to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 7-13, 2023, 7 day period, + .... + before sealing and the Sending of the Holy Convocation (July 23, 2023) to The Church of Christ for His Rapture.
    The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD on 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation between CHRIST and antichrist, Israel will understand it at this moment and will come closer to YESHUA God, more exactly 40 jubilees later like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following their exodus from Egypt).
    P.S: the date of the Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, Our Lord died at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 21 days, he was born on September 26th. -7 or 15 Tishri 3753 (Tishri is the 7th month) Christ is circumcised on October 3rd. -7 before nightfall, 22 Tishri 3753 in the evening before sunset at Shemini Atzerets to celebrate this circumcision in the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th being a Saturday Shabbat of the Feast of Simha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and well this 23 Tishri 3753 the Jewish people therefore celebrated Simha' t Torah truly with The Word made flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who understood it.
    By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu'Bichevat of the year -7, that is to say on February 2, Christ remained 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (37+7 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) +7 to make 40 days +7 ----> Ascension). Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension added to the 7 days of the count because always begins a Sunday, therefore April 24th, 27 or 23 Nisan 3787 to bring us to June 2, 27 to Ascension and June 12, 27 to Pentecost.
    The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to proclaim himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6, 2030 etc... I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the image of the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. God's Calendar is perfect. The antichrist wants to copy our risen Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17, year 27, the day after Passover, one Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) just after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027
    Jesus Christ will therefore return on October 6, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him.
    As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world several months before the beginning of the tribulations, with Sunday July 23, 2023 and the Sending of the Holy Convocation, July 27 to the rapture/ascension, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on Sunday July 30, on the clouds, finally on the evening of August 1st, 2023 the Bride will be presented to the Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, the Bride unveiled, presented to the of the guests ..... symbolizing the end of the Wedding and the return to life as a simple couple, but above all the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Bride on white horses on the clouds, at the end of the 7 years of tribulation on earth, ..... to Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 symbolizing the Return of the Lord as Judge, King of kings, Lord of lords on earth, as in Heaven, ...... the 7 days of the Wedding in Heaven are symbolically the 7 years of Tribulation on earth, and the leaving of the Bridegroom and the Bride from the nuptial chamber to face the guests is the Return of the Lord with his Bride on the white horses on the clouds of Heaven, and this October 6, 2030 all eyes will see him.
    Sunday evening, October 6, 2030, Yom Kippur, and by extension, 5 days later, Friday evening Sukkot are closely linked.
    Thus Passover - Pentecost - Sukkot are the 3 most important Feasts of the Eternal requiring presentation before God. MARANATHA Lord Jesus Christ ..... GOD BLESS YOU

    • @alberthall4923
      @alberthall4923 Год назад +1

      ​ @Youhanna Bar Réchit Your dates are false because the scripture says we won't know the day or hour that Jesus Christ returns. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      But it is possible to know the year and month based on Daniel 9:27. Accordingly, when Israel signs a peace treaty (covenant with many Muslim nations) that allows them to build their 3rd temple, we can understand Jesus returns in roughly 7 years. We can further refine the year and month when the Anti-christ goes in the holy place and declares himself as God. This marks the beginning of the Great Tribulation, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:). This is the mid-point of the final 7 years.
      So then mark the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation to the month and year Jesus returns. This is scriptural and does pretend to know the day and hour.
      Revelation 13:4-6
      4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
      5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
      6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

    • @kakapkaper4750
      @kakapkaper4750 Год назад +1

      you know more than Jesus :)

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      Enoch and Elijah

    • @kakapkaper4750
      @kakapkaper4750 Год назад

      yes, they're dead a long time ago :)

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Год назад

      @@kakapkaper4750 when did Enoch and Elijah Die ?